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Terms & Conditions

At GeekGames, we take the legal aspects of our business seriously. Our terms and conditions (“Terms”) outline the rules and regulations for the use of our website. By accessing this website, we assume you accept these terms and conditions in full. Do not continue to use GeekGames's website if you do not accept all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

In general, our terms and conditions cover the following key points:
- Who can use our website and the requirements to create an account (if relevant)
- Key commercial terms offered to customers
- Retention of the right to change offerings
- Warranties & responsibility for services and products
- Ownership of intellectual property, copyrights, and logos
- Right to suspend or cancel member accounts
- Indemnification
- Limitation of liability
- Right to change and modify terms
- Preference of law and dispute resolution
- Contact information

Please note that the explanations and information provided here are for general understanding only. They should not be considered as legal advice or recommendations. We strongly advise seeking professional legal assistance to ensure the creation of terms and conditions that are appropriate for your specific business needs.

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